Two charities working in suicide prevention and bereavement have been given advertising space on our screens in four UK cities during Mental Health Awareness Week (13 – 19 May).

Over this week, messages from Suicide&Co have been appearing across Westfield London, Birmingham, Manchester, and Southampton.

Created by Media Bounty, the Men’s Minds Matter campaign has been planned around Canary Wharf, High Street Kensington, Westfield Stratford City, Westfield London and throughout Manchester.

Suicide&Co funds counselling for individuals affected by bereavement through suicide, which is disproportionally higher amongst men, who account for three quarters of all suicides. Globally, suicide is the leading cause of death for men across all age groups.

Men’s Minds Matter is dedicated to the prevention of suicide through building psychological resilience and emotional strength. Initially set up as a platform for psychological research, Men’s Minds Matter has since become a leading voice in suicide prevention, male suicide, and male psychology.

Amelia Wrighton, Co-Founder and CEO at Suicide&Co, said: “We’re so grateful to Ocean for supporting our campaign. Digital OOH is the most impactful way for us to raise awareness of the project in Mental Health Awareness Week, showcasing our collection of photographs on the biggest screens to capture the attention of our community and beyond.”

Tommy Lee, senior copywriter at Media Bounty, said: “The purpose of the campaign is to make men – and everyone else – aware of the steps they can take to have more control over their mental health, as much as they would their physical health. There have been many great campaigns about opening up, which have entirely moved the conversation on. But recent figures show that the suicide rate is the highest it’s been for 25 years. We need a new approach. Showing people the actions they can take to feel better in themselves, whether by how to deal with emotions like anxiety positively, or something as simple as a good night’s sleep, can give people what they need to cope with a crisis when it comes. This is central to Men’s Minds Matter’s clinical model.”

Shona Dobson, senior marketing manager at Ocean UK, said: “If the messages on our screens help just one person who is affected by suicide, or help to save one life, then we will have positively contributed towards what is a significant problem for so many.”

Men's Minds Matters
Men's Minds Matters

Ocean Networks

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