Ocean Labs

Ocean Live


Connecting audiences with real time DOOH video streaming

We have the only reliable live streaming simulcast capabilities for high dwell time environments across major cities.

Whether it be a 15 minute live catwalk event, a 10 hour music festival or an esports tournament, Ocean Live extends online experiences to a real world audience.

Recent case studies using the power of Ocean Labs

Nasa Live From Mars

Ocean Labs used new technology to livestream coverage of the descent within the patchwork of commercial advertisers on the Piccadilly screen for 40 minutes from 8.10pm, using a feed directly from the NASA satellite.

Sky Deep Ocean Live 

Rapport partnered with Sky News, Mediacom and Ocean to live stream from the depths of the Indian Ocean, the least explored waters on the planet. Sky News’ Deep Ocean Dive project is an underwater scientific survey to search for new forms of life and discover the true extent of human impact on our oceans.

Discover more technologies

Ocean Vehicle React
Ocean Vehicle React
Optimised, real time, zero wastage
Ocean Takeover
Sephora-StratfordBridge-Nov-23-8-1920x1280 (1)
Ocean Takeover
Create the ultimate impact
Ocean Special Builds
Ocean Special Builds
Our cut-outs give you stand out
Ocean React
Ocean React
Real time reaction

Ready to take your campaign to the next level?

Ocean Networks

The location is available as part of a network, please see below for details.

Please contact us on sales@oceanoutdoor.com to find out more.