Our proprietary consumer panel, delivering insights into human behaviours and national trends

At Ocean, we have our own consumer insight panel that we call @TheLocal. It’s a group of almost 2,000 people who we can survey at any time, providing contemporary insight on a range of topics. This is a dynamic community, designed to capture the essence of urban life across the UK.

Understanding the nuances of city life is vital for crafting strategies that resonate with local communities. Whether you’re a proud Londoner, a Mancunian enthusiast, or hail from any other corner of the UK, these insights contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the preferences, challenges, and aspirations unique to each city.

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Our @TheLocal insights also support and complement our wider research plans to provide a varied view for the industry:


Sign up to @TheLocal for your chance to win vouchers every month.

Ocean Networks

The location is available as part of a network, please see below for details.

Please contact us on [email protected] to find out more.