July 1st, 2021
Artists unite to fight plastic pollution with new outdoor exhibition in partnership with Ocean

Ocean continues its campaign to help turn the tide against plastic pollution littering the seas with a new exhibition of original works which brings together 20 artists to mark #plasticfreejuly.

The out of home art exhibition supports the Marine Conservation Society’s Plastic Challenge, a cause and a charity Ocean has been working with for more than three years as part of the company’s Ocean for Oceans sustainability initiative.

Over the next few weeks, large format digital screens operated by Ocean in five UK cities will feature different artists whose work reflects the collective need for society and people to change by living with less plastic. The campaign breaks on Monday, July 5 in Birmingham, Manchester, London, Glasgow and Edinburgh.

The international line-up taking part includes London born street artist Ben Eine, the multidisciplinary British artist Stuart Semple, actress and environmentalist Ellise Chappell, visual artist and singer/songwriter Isabel Getty, contemporary American artists Todd Francis and Jeff Gillette, illustrator Paul Davis and the prolific creative and art director Scott King.

‘Let’s Live with Less Plastic’ is curated by the creative director and environment advocate Tia Grazette. The artworks can also be viewed online at where prints are available to buy.

Plastic pollution continues to escalate at a dramatic rate due to the pandemic, with 129 billion face masks and 65 billion gloves used globally every month.

Tia Grazette said: “Plastic pollution is one of the greatest threats facing our planet. It is in the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink and clothes we wear – killing wildlife and polluting the oceans.

“We need to take collective action to stop this now. And what better way to encourage and remind everyone to use less plastic than through a nationwide outdoor art exhibit for plastic free July. The art is unexpected, catches your eye and is a powerful way to communicate a message, so critical to life on earth.”

Artist and actress Ellise Chappell said: ‘I’m so happy to contribute a painting for #plasticfreejuly, which focuses specifically on the issue of plastic food packaging and the power we hold as consumers. When plastic is used for food packaging, it becomes an undervalued, disposable material; one that is used and thrown away sometimes within minutes. And yet, plastic lasts forever, slowly breaking down into toxic microplastics that permeate our ecosystems. With my painting, I hope to highlight this mismatch, whilst appealing to our immense capacity for empathy. Free the fruit!”

MP Rebecca Pow, Environment Minister, added: ‘We must all do our bit to turn the tide on plastic. It is so positive to see so many talented artists harnessing their creativity to raise awareness of the need to prevent plastic pollution from harming our beautiful oceans and natural environment.

#plasticfreejuly #plasticchallenge 

Ocean Networks

The location is available as part of a network, please see below for details.

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