Ocean Outcomes
William Hill

This campaign featured the world’s largest AR powered virtual slot machine. It was a collaboration between Wavemaker UK, Smart Media Technologies, and Kinetic.

the challenge

The goal was to reach William Hill’s broader audience, targeting individuals aged 18-44, and to ensure public safety while delivering an engaging experience to the audience.

the solution

A gaming competition was created using our digital and static screens placed strategically across 12 cities. This enabled a two way interaction with the audience through immersive AR gameplay. Users could obtain digital tokens from the billboards via a QR code and then spin the virtual slot machine on their mobile devices, entering themselves into a William Hill prize competition.



  • 100k+ visitors who interacted with the campaign
  • 32k+ users entered their email addresses
  • 29k+ users verified their email address and created a wallet (91% conversion rate)



“We are constantly looking for new ways to reach, capture the attention of, and engage with William Hill’s target audience. We’re proud to have been responsible for the overall campaign and concept creation of this first of its kind AR gaming competition. We have no doubt this OOH campaign will ensure that the William Hill Vegas brand remains top of mind for people wanting a fun and interactive experience.”

Sian Runnacles
Client Managing Director, Wavemaker UK

Similar Ocean Outcomes

July 16, 2024

Dassault Systèmes
Virtual Worlds for Real Life

April 28, 2024


Ready to take your campaign to the next level?

Ocean Networks

The location is available as part of a network, please see below for details.

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