XL – Leckwith Road, Cardiff
Cardiff 2

Your gateway to Cardiff’s dynamic population

Our new XL roadside screen, Leckwith Road, places your brand in a prime location on one of the busiest commuter routes into Cardiff’s city centre. With a daily influx of 80,000 commuters driving into the city, there is huge reach potential.

Just 10 minutes from Cardiff city centre, Leckwith Road allows your brand to connect with the city’s dynamic population of young professionals, families, and students.

Vehicle Detection Technology (VDT) is coming soon, which will allow you to optimise how your brand connections with your target audience.

Location details

Foster Wales_Leckwith Rd Cardiff_5 June 24
Into Work Wales_Leckwith Rd Cardiff_5 June 24

The Location

Leckwith Road is near the Capital Shopping Park, a popular retail and dining hub featuring brands such as Next and Sports Direct. The screen is adjacent to Cardiff City Football Club, hosting various sporting events, increasing your brand’s visibility to sports fans, tourists, and beyond.

Ocean Networks

The location is available as part of a network, please see below for details.

Please contact us on sales@oceanoutdoor.com to find out more.