The Screen @ North Hanover Street, Glasgow
Scottishpower, NHSXL, FEB-5

Full motion screen targeting Queen Street Station and Caledonian University

The Screen @ North Hanover Street offers great dwell time because it is positioned at traffic lights onto a major route into the city from the North and M8 motorway – only seconds away from George Square, in the heart of Glasgow city.

Location details

The Location

Queen Street Station

Glasgow Queen Street Station is Scotland’s third busiest railway hub, connecting major cities like Edinburgh, Stirling, Perth, Dundee, and Aberdeen. As a key gateway between Glasgow and Edinburgh, it offers high footfall from both commuters and travellers exploring Scotland.

Caledonian University

Glasgow Caledonian University is home to over 22,000 students from 120 countries. Its strong academic reputation, with top-ranked programs draws a wide range of students and professionals to the city.

Audience Demographics


impacts per fortnight ROUTE


impacts are ABC1 ROUTE


audience are 18-34 year olds ROUTE

Nearby Locations

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Ocean Networks

The location is available as part of a network, please see below for details.

Please contact us on sales@oceanoutdoor.com to find out more.