April 16th, 2019
Ocean study: stealing a march on mobile and VOD to outperform the all screen market

Unlocking the value of digital out of home for brands and advertisers is a cornerstone here at Ocean as planners and buyers seek integrated marketing campaigns which are authentic, seen and remembered.

While traditional channels like linear TV tough it out, competing with the charms of over the top streaming services,  advertising behemoths like Unilever are busy redefining the safety of online publishing channels to prevent its ads appearing alongside offensive content.

Amid the current handwringing and pledges to take back control, it’s emerged that DOOH technical and creative capability has stolen a march on both mobile and video on demand, by securing us a top spot in the all-important all screen market.

This milestone moment is captured by our latest study which canvases the industry opinions of senior agency managers and the outdoor specialists*.

When asked which channel they most associate with the screen, only TV was rated higher (96 percent) than DOOH, which scores 89 percent, a whopping 14 points higher than mobile.

On this question alone, DOOH registers more than cinema (87 percent) and video on demand (86 percent) as a “true screen media channel”.

For DOOH, this is a seminal moment.

Developing our proposition as a powerful media platform, and not just a digital poster, has been an Ocean rite of passage. One outcome is that we have achieved 100 percent relevance by only building new screens where there is inherent demand.

That other is that we are completely uninhibited by any old screen in any old place which burdens many others. This clearly hasn’t gone unnoticed.

What’s more, our study shows that Ocean’s association with full motion capability (81 percent) is quite simply streets ahead of the others.

Why is this important?

Because when compared to TV, radio, cinema, press, magazines, video and static OOH, full motion DOOH scores the higher ratings as a medium which is perceived as dynamic (89 percent), modern (88 percent), exciting (73 percent) and sophisticated (64 percent).

Conducted over the past four years, our industry research is commissioned to monitor changing perceptions of outdoor in the integrated, multi-screen world and to better understand the impact of emerging trading models, technologies and data.

In terms of growth, there’s also good news.

Digital out of home retains its commanding lead as the channel with the biggest growth potential over the next five years, scoring a steadfast 89 percent compared to mobile (55 percent, down by 20 percent) and video on demand (67 percent, down by five percent).

There is still stuff we need to work on with agencies who say they are looking for improved integration with other media channels (71 percent), greater flexibility (64 percent) and improvement on cost (66 percent).

That said, the attributes agency folk say most closely describe the benefits of digital out of home are innovation (89 percent), technical prowess (87 percent) and creativity (79 percent), closely followed by flexibility (80 percent) and opportunity (73 percent).

Add to that another Ocean fundamental – the provision of safe, well curated premium spaces – and the stage may well be set for a DOOH boom.

We can only but remain cautiously optimistic.


For a copy of the new study, please email [email protected]

Total sample: 196

Media agencies: 60%

Outdoor Specialists: 40%

Research period: 10th of December 2018 to 22/01/2019


Nottingham One
Ocean DOOH Industry Study
The Screen @ Canary Wharf

Ocean Networks

The location is available as part of a network, please see below for details.

Please contact us on [email protected] to find out more.