July 1st, 2018
BMW celebrates its eco-friendly showstopping supercar with natural outdoor activation

BMW’s latest experiential outdoor campaign celebrates its awesome hybrid sports cars which combines impeccable environmentally friendly credentials with pure driving joy.

In an exclusive activation at Westfield London, the iconic BMWi8 roadster takes centre stage using Ocean Outdoor’s large format full motion screen and sound shower technology to reflect its eco and iconic design attributes.

The interaction between sports car and Ocean’s Eat Street screen is triggered by people walking over a pressure pad under a section of floor vinyl.  When stood on, the pad activates a video sequence which shows the BMW bursting into a cloud of butterflies, with accompanying sound.

The butterflies represent the butterfly wing doors of the head turning BMWi8 which swing up and out to allow you to get inside. The aerodynamic styling of the two seater car is matched by its power. Using electric motors and a 1.5 litre Mini engine, it can reach 62 mph in 4.5 seconds.

Brand ambassadors will show off the car’s many luxury features in this one-off installation which is bound to draw the crowds.

Created by FCB Inferno, the campaign was planned by Kinetic Active. Production is by and Ocean Labs. The activation took placed on Saturday, June 30 and was supported by creative on other Westfield screens.


Production Credits

Media: Kinetic Active

Creative: FCB Inferno


Production: Ocean Labs

Eat street @ Westfield London
Eat Street @ Westfield London
Eat street @ Westfield London
Eat Street @ Westfield London

Ocean Networks

The location is available as part of a network, please see below for details.

Please contact us on [email protected] to find out more.