April 29th, 2020
Some Things You Might Find Useful – 30th April


Recent data from YouGov’s Covid-19 tracker shows some difference in consumer behaviour between London and the rest of the UK

With 1 in 4 of Londoners saying they’ve had a lockdown takeaway compared to just 7.5% for the rest of Britain, we see big differences in consumer behaviour

  • Londoners are also more likely to use online grocery delivery services (25%), compared to the rest of Britain (15%)
  • When it comes to purchase behaviour, another interesting trend has been the increase in use of corner shops with 23% of Brits saying they have used their corner shop more than before lockdown.
  • As the public becomes more and more used to the current way of life, fear of catching the virus is now down by 4pp week on week, biggest decrease since 27th March
  • The percentage of people avoiding going to work has remained at a steady 38% for the last month, reminding of the continuous flow of traffic and people out of home

Edelman Trust Barometer:

We already know brand communication is key in the current climate, but recent results from Edelman’s Trust Barometer show the effects this can have on brands:

  • 61% of UK consumers say what brands do now will impact their future likelihood to buy that brand
  • 37% of consumers globally have started using a new brand because of their innovative and compassionate response to the virus outbreak
  • 33% of global consumers and 21% in the UK have punished brands by discontinuing use due to an inappropriate response to the pandemic
  • 1 in 3 of consumers globally say that in order to keep their trust, brands should issue public statements expressing empathy and support for those most affected

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