December 10th, 2020
Ocean supports Northwest Passage 2021 expedition to help raise awareness for ocean conservation

Campaign captures adventurous spirit of British explorers

Ocean is supporting the North West Passage 2021 expedition which will see a team of adventurers set out to become the first to row the notorious Arctic route between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

Called the Last Great First, the aim of the 2021 maritime navigation of the Northwest Passage by rowing boat is to raise awareness about the importance of ocean conservation and the damaging effects of climate change.

Supporting the effort, Ocean’s out of home campaign has rolled out across four UK cities with a spirited idea brought about by the restrictions of lockdown.

The work showcases Northwest Passage Expedition Gin, a new craft gin created by the team and distilled in Orkney to help them generate the funds they need because raising the sponsorship required has been hindered by Covid-19 restrictions.

The gin is available to purchase online from the Northwest Passage Gin website RRP £39.95 per 70cl bottle with all proceeds going towards the expedition.

Ocean Outdoor joint managing director Phil Hall said: “This expedition aligns closely with Ocean’s purpose. Ocean for Oceans is our promise to do what we can to protect the oceans and seas from pollution and environmental damage. 2021 is the year for bolder action and this is precisely what the Northwest Passage expedition will achieve.”

Leven Brown, NWP Expedition Leader  said: “We are delighted that Ocean Outdoor is supporting our expedition and helping us market our gin by placing adverts on their amazing digital billboards in Birmingham, Glasgow, Newcastle and Manchester.

“Both we and Ocean Outdoor are passionate about marine conservation and their support will ultimately help us report on the effects of climate change in the Arctic region. The digital billboards are an important step to funding the last great first, and also leveraging our adventure to draw attention to the climate crisis. Navigating the Northwest Passage by human power is the ultimate row, we will face extreme temperatures, sleep deprivation and hardship. The story will capture the imagination of the nation.”

Navigating the Northwest Passage by human power alone hasn’t always been possible. Climate change has resulted in the sea ice retreating for longer periods each year, keeping the route open from July to September, which is when the rowers plan to embark on their challenge.

Whilst rowing the 2,300 mile arctic route, the team will draw attention to the drastically changing environment by taking part in data collection for The Big Blue Ocean Cleanup which will be used for future research.

Ocean Networks

The location is available as part of a network, please see below for details.

Please contact us on [email protected] to find out more.