June 6th, 2018
Ocean is making a big splash for World Oceans Day, naturally!

Here at Ocean we are six months into our crusade to become a single-use plastic free business, and what a week it’s turning out to be for big milestones to support us along the way.

World Environment Day on June 5th has already reminded us just how important it is to curb our enthusiasm for plastic shopping bags, straws, cups and cutlery. This kind of trash often ends up polluting our oceans and killing marine life.

In supporting the first ever One Plastic Free Day, an awareness campaign from A Plastic Planet which encouraged all of us to #PassOnPlastic for 24 hours, we were able to reach millions of people in city centres as they shopped in retail, grocery and food-to-go outlets, using our network of ad screens.

And the approach of World Oceans Day on Friday, June 8th is another great reason to help spread the word about plastic pollution, using our screens across the UK to showcase why it’s so important to support #WorldOceansDay.

For the next two weeks, we are committed to supporting the global movement to clean up our seas by showing people how easy it is to break free from the shackles of unnecessary plastic packaging.

Our new outdoor campaign supports the release of a new book by our charity partner The Marine Conservation Society. It’s called How to Live Plastic Free: a Day in the Life of a Plastic Detox and you can buy a copy here:

Every single one of us can make a difference by just saying no to single-use plastic.

To find out more and help us stop the plastic tide, please follow us on Twitter @OceanForOceans, on Instagram and on Facebook #OceanForOceans #plasticfree #stoptheplastictide #strawfree

Happy World Oceans Day from all of us at Ocean Outdoor!

Ocean Networks

The location is available as part of a network, please see below for details.

Please contact us on [email protected] to find out more.