August 25th, 2015
Birmingham Wakes Up to See The Media Eyes Come Alive

BBC Midlands last night reported on the latest innovation for Birmingham City Centre.

As part of the £200million investment in Birmingham’s infrastructure, the redevelopment of New Street Station and Grand Central Shopping Centre is well underway, ready for launch in late September.

Having been chosen to provide commercial content for the Media Eyes, Ocean, alongside Birmingham screen manufacturer Concept Design and Display (D3), has embarked on the installation of the three full motion screens above each of the customer entrances, giving a unique and eye catching proposition for advertisers in this thriving and future thinking city. Development is also underway to install wifi and face recognition technology into each of the screens, giving yet more opportunity for relevant and targeted consumer messaging.

The media content for the Eyes will display a portion of public information for the city as well as commercial advertising.  The screens can also be used to display station messaging in emergency situations.

Ocean Networks

The location is available as part of a network, please see below for details.

Please contact us on to find out more.