November 5th, 2019
Child of Courage Jaydee-Lee Dummett receives surprise tribute on The Screen @ Leicester Square

Last night ITV showed seven-year-old Jaydee-Lee Dummett from Wales receiving her prestigious “Child of Courage” award from Simon Cowell, Dermot O’Leary and Louis Walsh at the Daily Mirror Pride of Britain awards.

Heroic Jaydee-Lee saved her family’s lives by raising the alarm when she recognised the signs of deadly carbon monoxide poisoning at her home. Without Jaydee-Lee’s quick thinking, her family would have been among the 50 people killed by carbon monoxide poisoning in the UK this year.

During the build up to her big award, Jaydee-Lee and her family were invited to London so that Ant and Dec could surprise her with the news. But before meeting the TV stars, they were treated to some unexpected moments and clues that something very special was going on.

In on the secret was Ocean which helped to organise the big reveal. This happened in large format on the Screen @Leicester Square which carried a photograph and the message Jaydee Lee is a Hero.

An unforgettable memory that Ocean hopes Jaydee-Lee will treasure, captured on screen and on camera by the film crew at ITV Studio’s Multistory Media for ever.

In March 2019, Jaydee-Lee noticed her younger brother Laylan, aged four, was disoriented and acting strangely when he woke in the night. She immediately recognised his symptons as the signs of carbon monoxide poisoning having learned about the dangers of the odourless gas in a safety visit at school three weeks earlier.

She looked at her family home’s carbon monoxide detector – which had not been triggered by the expected alarm – and noticed that it had turned from green to red. Jaydee-Lee alerted her mum and told her to ring for help. The primary school student was even able to reel off the gas emergency number.

When emergency engineer Sean Ward from Wales and West Utilities arrived, Jaydee-Lee told him exactly what he needed to do. Sean said: “The quick-thinking actions of Jaydee-Lee saved her family’s lives and she should be commended. From speaking to her that night it was clear that she took in such a lot of vital information from the gas safety lesson which is fantastic.”

Jaydee-Lee’s mother, Lindy, said: “I couldn’t be prouder – she saved our lives. From being involved in a simple lesson on gas safety, she knew exactly what to look for.”

Ocean Networks

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