February 8th, 2018
It’s the Big Max!

London’s “Big MAX” beats Gherkin in mouth-watering 50th anniversary makeover
The perfectly rotund London IMAX landmark has been transformed into a colossal Big Mac to celebrate the 50th anniversary of McDonald’s iconic burger.

A Big Mac of the same proportions as the iconic IMAX would measure a gigantic 1,734 square metres. The spectacular IMAX display depicts the bun, the burger and all the required garnishes in its biggest form yet!

Created by Ocean Outdoor and the ad agencies Talon, OMD UK and Leo Burnett as part of the Big Mac’s birthday celebrations, McDonald’s delicious visual feast will light up London until February 25.

The Gherkin clearly needs to ketchup.

The IMAX, Waterloo
The IMAX, Waterloo
The IMAX, Waterloo
The IMAX, Waterloo
The IMAX, Waterloo

Ocean Networks

The location is available as part of a network, please see below for details.

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