February 7th, 2018
Changing relationships in the office

We’re changing our relationship with plastic, sounds easy when you say it fast but blimey, it’s difficult. Everywhere you look plastic just stares right back at you – it’s absolutely everywhere and I think that is scary and daunting. Where do you start?

But we think that by changing our behaviour in the office it will help to inspire people to make small changes to their behaviour and after small changes then bigger changes might follow.

We started with some very quick wins – we changed all our cleaning products to brands with a clearer position on the Oceans – so we have changed all our products to Ecover or Method both have a more responsible attitude to the planet and plastics. Their bottles are made from recycled plastics in many cases and they are challenging themselves to move to bottles that are made from 100% ocean recycled plastic – come on!!! That’s amazing.

Just by reviewing packaging we can make a difference – look for things that are sourced from recycled plastics and just as a basic look for things than can be recycled in the first place. Some brands, if you look carefully will say that the packaging can’t be recycled – something we can all do and all say NO to!!!

We are also looking at our own recycling systems, we have recycling already in place but we have checked it out and feel that this can do better. Still too many individual bins – that everything goes into and probably not enough recycling bins around the office. We certainly can do better!!

Also MILK – 40 pints a week are delivered in plastic bottles to Ocean. Did you know that 35 million plastic bottles are used in the UK every day, EVERY DAY and worst than that 44% don’t get recycled!!! So our Milk man is under pressure, by changing to glass bottles, that will be over 2000 plastic bottles a year out of the system.

Little things, but hopefully if we all start copying office behaviour and start doing it at home and then ask our friends to do it – we have a movement.

We have loads more ideas and we will be sharing them with you shortly, thanks for reading!!

We’re changing our relationship with plastic, are you?

Plastic free challenge
Plastic free challenge

Ocean Networks

The location is available as part of a network, please see below for details.

Please contact us on [email protected] to find out more.