Ocean Outdoor Group – Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement

This statement is made on behalf of Atoll Holdco Limited pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”). In this statement, “Ocean Outdoor Group” or “Group” should be taken to mean Atoll Holdco Limited and its subsidiaries including (but not limited to) Ocean Outdoor UK Limited, Signature Outdoor Limited, Mediaco Outdoor Limited and Forrest Outdoor Media Limited.

The Group is a leading operator of premium digital out-of-home (“DOOH”) media advertising operating in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and the Nordics. DOOH is an advertising channel that goes beyond the traditional out-of-home market through merging the inherent strengths of out-of-home advertising and enhancing through location, audience, research, data and unique technology. The Group’s key commercial partners are specialist outdoor media buying agencies, landlords and technology providers.

Although the Group considers the inherent risk of encountering modern slavery or human trafficking within its business, supply chain and partnerships to be very low, it is nonetheless an issue that the Group takes seriously and takes measures to support and reinforce the Group’s commitment to ensuring that no slavery or human trafficking is present in our supply chain or own business.

We ask new and existing suppliers if they comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and show a preference for trading with those who can demonstrate they are in compliance, and we are not aware of any slavery of human trafficking being present in any part of our supply chain throughout the world.

The Group is committed towards acting ethically by setting up an Ethics Committee which routinely reviews the Group’s practices which includes a review of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and a regular assessment of the risk of modern slavery arising within our business, supply chains and partnerships to ensure that any areas of risk are identified and can be appropriately addressed.

We continue to educate ourselves to increase our understanding of where modern slavery exists and how it can infiltrate legitimate business.

The Ocean Outdoor Group conducts face-to-face training for all office based employees to emphasise the importance of ethical conduct and our social values. Guidance on the Modern Slavery Act is incorporated through communication and future training.

Ocean Networks

The location is available as part of a network, please see below for details.

Please contact us on [email protected] to find out more.