Platser Åhus Handelsplats Stad Åhus Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Åhus | | | 2 | | | | |
Platser Ängelholm Flygplats Stad Ängelholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Ängelholm | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ängelholm Hjärnarp E6 (N) – Impact Stad Ängelholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Ängelholm | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Ängelholm Hjärnarp E6 (S) – Impact Stad Ängelholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Ängelholm | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Åre Centralstation Stad Åre Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Åre | | | 2 | | | | |
Platser Åre torg – Impact Stad Åre Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Åre | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Åre Torg B – Impact Stad Åre Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Åre | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Arvidsjaur Flygplats Stad Arvidsjaur Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Arvidsjaur | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Borås Åhaga (Ö) – Impact Stad Borås Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Borås | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Borås Åhaga (V) – Impact Stad Borås Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Borås | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Borås Centralstation Stad Borås Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Borås | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Borås Knalleland – Impact Stad Borås Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Borås | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Borlänge Centralstation Stad Borlänge Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Borlänge | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Borlänge Kupolen – Impact Stad Borlänge Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Borlänge | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Charlottenbergs Shopping Stad Charlotteberg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 10 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Charlotteberg | | | 10 | | | | |
Platser Ellös Hemköp Butikssvarv Stad Orust Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Orust | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ellös Hemköp Kassalinje Stad Orust Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Orust | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Enköping Centralstation Stad Enköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Enköping | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Eskilstuna Centralstation Stad Eskilstuna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Eskilstuna | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Eskilstuna Centralstation. TRV Stad Eskilstuna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Eskilstuna | | | 2 | | | | |
Platser Eskilstuna Galleria Kvarteret Stad Eskilstuna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Eskilstuna | | | 4 | | | | |
Platser Eskilstuna Sveaplan Stad Eskilstuna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Eskilstuna | | | 2 | | | | |
Platser Falun Bergström Galleria – Impact Stad Falun Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Falun | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Falun Centralstation Stad Falun Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Falun | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Gällivare Flygplats Stad Gällivare Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Gällivare | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Gävle Centralstation Stad Gävle Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Gävle | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Gävle City – Impact Stad Gävle Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Gävle | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Gävle Flanör Stad Gälve Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Gälve | | | 2 | | | | |
Platser Göteborg – Ullevikorset Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Square Motion | Göteborg | | | 1 | | Square | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Allum Partille – Impact Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Göteborg | | | 2 | | | | |
Platser Göteborg Angered – Impact Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Arkaden Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Göteborg | | | 4 | | | | |
Platser Göteborg Backaplan Stad Backaplan Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Backaplan | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Göteborg Bäckebol Stad Bäckebol Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Bäckebol | | | 5 | | | | |
Platser Göteborg Bäckebol E6 – Impact Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Centralstation Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 19 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Göteborg | | | 19 | | | | |
Platser Göteborg Centralstation – Impact Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Göteborg | | | 2 | | | | |
Platser Göteborg Centralstation. TRV Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Göteborg | | | 6 | | | | |
Platser Göteborg Coop Forum Backaplan Kassalinje Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Delsjömotet (N) – Impact Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Delsjömotet (S) – Impact Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Frölunda Torg Stad Västra Frölunda Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 13 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Västra Frölunda | | | 13 | | | | |
Platser Göteborg Frölunda Torg – Impact Stad Västra Frölunda Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Västra Frölunda | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Göteborg Gamla Ullevi – Impact Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Göteborg | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Göteborg Hemköp Billdal Butikssvarv Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Hemköp Billdal Kassalinje Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Hemköp Högsbo Butikssvarv Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Hemköp Högsbo Kassalinje Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Hemköp Kullavik Butikssvarv Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 8 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 8 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Hemköp Kullavik Kassalinje Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Hemköp Långedrag Butikssvarv Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Hemköp Långedrag Kassalinje Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Hemköp Linnegatan Butikssvarv Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Hemköp Linnegatan Kassalinje Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Hemköp Majorna Butikssvarv Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Hemköp Majorna Kassalinje Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Hemköp Masthugget Butikssvarv Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Hemköp Masthugget Kassalinje Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Hemköp Torslanda Butikssvarv Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Hemköp Torslanda Kassalinje Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Hemköp Vasagatan Butikssvarv Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 7 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 7 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Hemköp Vasagatan Kassalinje Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Kongahälla Shopping Stad Kungälv Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 24 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Kungälv | | | 24 | | | | |
Platser Göteborg Kongahälla Shopping Norra – Impact Stad Kungälv Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Kungälv | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Kongahälla Shopping Västra – Impact Stad Kungälv Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Kungälv | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Göteborg Korsvägen Svenska Mässan – Impact Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H 544 x 960 NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio 17:30 Orientation Portrait Motion | Göteborg | | 544 x 960 | 1 | 17:30 | Portrait | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Kungsportsplatsen – Impact Stad Göteorg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteorg | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Lundbyleden – Impact Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Mölndal Centralstation Stad Mölndal Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Mölndal | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Göteborg Nordstan Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H 9 x 16 NO. Screens 11 Aspect Ratio 9:16 Orientation Motion Production Specs | Göteborg | | 9 x 16 | 11 | 9:16 | | | |
Platser Göteborg Nordstan – Impact Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Scandinavium (N) – Impact Stad Göteorg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteorg | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Scandinavium (S) – Impact Stad Göteorg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteorg | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Ullevi 1 – Impact Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H 600 x 336 NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio 25:14 Orientation Landscape Motion | Göteborg | | 600 x 336 | 1 | 25:14 | Landscape | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Ullevi 2 – Impact Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H 1280 x 720 NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | 1280 x 720 | 1 | 16:9 | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Ullevi 3 – Impact Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Göteborg Ullevi 4 – Impact Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Göteborg | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Halmstad Centralstation Stad Halmstad Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Halmstad | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Halmstad Flygplats Stad Halmstad Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Halmstad | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Hässleholm Centralstation Stad Häsleholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Häsleholm | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Hässleholm Gallerian Stad Hässleholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Hässleholm | | | 6 | | | | |
Platser Helsingborg Centralstation Stad Helsingborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 12 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Helsingborg | | | 12 | | | | |
Platser Helsingborg Centralstation – Impact Stad Helsingborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Helsingborg | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Helsingborg Drottninggatan – Impact Stad Helsingborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Helsingborg | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Helsingborg Hemköp Rydebäck Butikssvarv Stad Helsingborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Helsingborg | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Helsingborg Hemköp Rydebäck Kassalinje Stad Helsingborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Helsingborg | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Helsingborg Väla Centrum Stad Helsingborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 16 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Helsingborg | | | 16 | | | | |
Platser Hemköp Farsta Centrum Butikssvarv Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Hemköp Farsta Centrum Kassalinje Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Hemköp Hässelby Strand Butikssvarv Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Hemköp Hässelby Strand Kassalinje Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Hemköp Skärholmen Bredäng Butikssvarv Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 6 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Hemköp Skärholmen Bredäng Kassalinje Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Hemköp Upplands Väsby Butikssvarv Stad Upplands väsby Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Upplands väsby | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Hemköp Upplands Väsby Kassalinje Stad Upplands väsby Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Upplands väsby | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Åhus BV Stad Kristianstad Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Kristianstad | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Åhus KL Stad Kristianstad Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Kristianstad | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Åkermyntan Hässelby BV Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Åkermyntan Hässelby KL Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Åkrahallen Sala BV Stad Sala Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Sala | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Åkrahallen Sala KL Stad Sala Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Sala | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Ale Nödinge BV Stad Ale Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Ale | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Ale Nödinge KL Stad Ale Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Ale | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Arninge Täby BV Stad Täby Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Täby | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Arninge Täby KL Stad Täby Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 7 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Täby | | | 7 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Arvika BV Stad Arvika Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Arvika | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Arvika KL Stad Arvika Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Arvika | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Avesta BV Stad Avesta Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Avesta | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Avesta KL Stad Avesta Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Avesta | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum BEA Livsmedel Enskede BV Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 9 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 9 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum BEA Livsmedel Enskede KL Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Boden BV Stad Boden Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 7 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Boden | | | 7 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Boden KL Stad Boden Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Boden | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum City Brämhult BV Stad Borås Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Borås | | | 6 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum City Brämhult KL Stad Borås Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Borås | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum City Centrum Borås BV Stad Borås Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Borås | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum City Centrum Borås KL Stad Borås Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Borås | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum City Fristad Borås BV Stad Borås Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 7 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Borås | | | 7 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum City Fristad Borås KL Stad Borås Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Borås | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum City Knalleland Borås BV Stad Borås Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Borås | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum City Knalleland Borås KL Stad Borås Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Borås | | | 6 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Ekängen Eskilstuna BV Stad Eskilstuna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Eskilstuna | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Ekängen Eskilstuna KL Stad Eskilstuna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Eskilstuna | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Emporia Malmö BV Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Malmö | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Emporia Malmö KL Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Malmö | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Eslöv BV Stad Eslöv Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Eslöv | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Eslöv KL Stad Eslöv Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Eslöv | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Falkenberg BV Stad Falkenberg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Falkenberg | | | 6 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Falkenberg KL Stad Falkenberg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 8 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Falkenberg | | | 8 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Färjestaden BV Stad Mörbylånga Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Mörbylånga | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Färjestaden KL Stad Mörbylånga Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Mörbylånga | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Farsta BV Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Farsta KL Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Filipstad BV Stad Filipstad Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Filipstad | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Filipstad KL Stad Filipstad Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Filipstad | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Flen BV Stad Flen Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Flen | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Flen KL Stad Flen Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Flen | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Flygfyren Norrtälje BV Stad Norrtälje Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 8 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Norrtälje | | | 8 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Flygfyren Norrtälje KL Stad Norrtälje Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 7 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Norrtälje | | | 7 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Focus Göteborg BV Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Focus Göteborg KL Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Frölunda Västra frölunda BV Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Frölunda Västra frölunda KL Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Gällivare BV Stad Gällivare Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Gällivare | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Gällivare KL Stad Gällivare Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Gällivare | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Gislaved KL Stad Gislaved Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Gislaved | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Götene BV Stad Götene Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Götene | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Götene KL Stad Götene Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Götene | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Gottsunda Uppsala BV Stad Uppsala Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Uppsala | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Gottsunda Uppsala KL Stad Uppsala Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Uppsala | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Hajen Lågpris Varberg BV Stad Varberg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Varberg | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Hajen Lågpris Varberg KL Stad Varbeg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Varbeg | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Hammarö BV Stad Hammarö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Hammarö | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Hammarö KL Stad Hammarö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Hammarö | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Hässleholm BV Stad Hässleholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Hässleholm | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Hässleholm KL Stad Hässleholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Hässleholm | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Helsingborg BV Stad Helsingborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Helsingborg | | | 6 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Helsingborg KL Stad Helsingborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Helsingborg | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Hjertberg Lidköping BV Stad Lidköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Lidköping | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Hjertberg Lidköping KL Stad Hjertbergs Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Hjertbergs | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Höganäs BV Stad Höganäs Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Höganäs | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Höganäs KL Stad Höganäs Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Höganäs | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Hörby BV Stad Hörby Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Hörby | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Hörby KL Stad Hörby Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Hörby | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Hovås BV Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 6 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Hovås KL Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Huskvarna BV Stad Jönköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Jönköping | | | 6 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Huskvarna KL Stad Jönköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Jönköping | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Jätten Trollhättan BV Stad Trollhättan Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Trollhättan | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Jätten Trollhättan KL Stad Trollhättan Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Trollhättan | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Karlssons Svedala BV Stad Svedala Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Svedala | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Karlssons Svedala KL Stad Svedala Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Svedala | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Kiruna BV Stad Kiruna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 7 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Kiruna | | | 7 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Kiruna KL Stad Kiruna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Kiruna | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Klippan BV Stad Klippan Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Klippan | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Klippan KL Stad Klippan Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Klippan | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Klockaretorpet Norrköping BV Stad Norrköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Norrköping | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Klockaretorpet Norrköping KL Stad Norrköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Norrköping | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Knivsta BV Stad Knivsta Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Knivsta | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Knivsta KL Stad Knivsta Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Knivsta | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Kristianstad BV Stad Kristianstad Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Kristianstad | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Kristianstad KL Stad Kristianstad Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Kristianstad | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Kronoparken Umeå BV Stad Umeå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Umeå | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Kronoparken Umeå KL Stad Umeå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Umeå | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Kungsbacka BV Stad Kungsbacka Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Kungsbacka | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Kungsbacka KL Stad Kungsbacka Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Kungsbacka | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Kvissleby BV Stad Sundsvall Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 9 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Sundsvall | | | 9 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Kvissleby KL Stad Sundsvall Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Sundsvall | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Landskrona BV Stad Landskrona Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Landskrona | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Landskrona KL Stad Landskrona Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Landskrona | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Landvetter BV Stad Härryda Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Härryda | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Landvetter KL Stad Härryda Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Härryda | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Lerum BV Stad Lerum Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Lerum | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Lerum KL Stad Lerum Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Lerum | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Lidingö BV Stad Lidingö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Lidingö | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Lidingö KL Stad Lidingö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Lidingö | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Mall of Scandinavia Solna BV Stad Solna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Solna | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Mall of Scandinavia Solna KL Stad Solna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Solna | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Malmborgs Caroli Malmö BV Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 9 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Malmö | | | 9 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Malmborgs Caroli Malmö KL Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Malmö | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Malmborgs Clemenstorget Lund BV Stad Lund Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Lund | | | 6 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Malmborgs Clemenstorget Lund KL Stad Lund Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Lund | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Malmborgs Limhamn BV Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Malmö | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Malmborgs Limhamn KL Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Malmö | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Malmborgs Mobilia Malmö BV Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 8 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Malmö | | | 8 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Malmborgs Mobilia Malmö KL Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Malmö | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Malmborgs Tuna Lund Gång BV Stad Lund Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Lund | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Mariehem Umeå BV Stad Umeå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Umeå | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Mariehem Umeå KL Stad Umeå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Umeå | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Mariestad BV Stad Mariestad Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Mariestad | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Mariestad KL Stad Mariestad Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Mariestad | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Markaryd BV Stad Markaryd Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 7 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Markaryd | | | 7 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Markaryd KL Stad Markaryd Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Markaryd | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Märsta BV Stad Sigtuna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Sigtuna | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Märsta KL Stad Sigtuna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Sigtuna | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Mirum Galleria, Norrköping BV Stad Norrköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Norrköping | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Mirum Galleria, Norrköping KL Stad Norrköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Norrköping | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum MM – Skene BV Stad Mark Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 7 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Mark | | | 7 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum MM – Skene KL Stad Mark Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Mark | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Munkebäck Göteborg BV Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Munkebäck Göteborg KL Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Munken Skara BV Stad Skara Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Skara | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Munken Skara KL Stad Skara Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Skara | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Nacksta Sundsvall BV Stad Sundsvall Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Sundsvall | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Nacksta Sundsvall KL Stad Sundsvall Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Sundsvall | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Nässjö BV Stad Nässjö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Nässjö | | | 6 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Nässjö KL Stad Nässjö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Nässjö | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Norremark Växjö BV Stad Växjö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Växjö | | | 6 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Norremark Växjö KL Stad Växjö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Växjö | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Nybro BV Stad Nybro Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Nybro | | | 6 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Nybro KL Stad Nybro Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Nybro | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Oxelösund BV Stad Oxelösund Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Oxelösund | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Oxelösund KL Stad Oxelösund Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Oxelösund | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Piteå KL Stad Piteå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Piteå | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Säffle BV Stad Säffle Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Säffle | | | 6 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Säffle KL Stad Säffle Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Säffle | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Sannegården Göteborg BV Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Sannegården Göteborg KL Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Sickla Nacka BV Stad Nacka Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Nacka | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Sickla Nacka KL Stad Nacka Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Nacka | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Sjöbo BV Stad Sjöbo Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Sjöbo | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Sjöbo KL Stad Sjöbo Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Sjöbo | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Skellefteå BV Stad Skellefteå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Skellefteå | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Skellefteå KL Stad Skellefteå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Skellefteå | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Skövde BV Stad Skövde Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Skövde | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Skövde KL Stad Skövde Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Skövde | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Söderhamn BV Stad Söderhamn Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Söderhamn | | | 6 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Söderhamn KL Stad Söderhamn Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Söderhamn | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Södra Sandby BV Stad Lund Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Lund | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Södra Sandby KL Stad Lund Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Lund | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Sollefteå BV Stad Sollefteå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Sollefteå | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Sollefteå KL Stad Sollefteå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Sollefteå | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Sollentuna C BV Stad Sollentuna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Sollentuna | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Sollentuna C KL Stad Sollentuna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Sollentuna | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Solna KL Stad Solna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Solna | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Stormarknad, Luleå BV Stad Luleå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Luleå | | | 6 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Stormarknad, Luleå KL Stad Luleå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Luleå | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Strömstad BV Stad Strömstad Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Strömstad | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Strömstad KL Stad Strömstad Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Strömstad | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Svenljunga BV Stad Svenljunga Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Svenljunga | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Svenljunga KL Stad Svenljunga Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Svenljunga | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Tidaholm BV Stad Tidaholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Tidaholm | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Tidaholm KL Stad Tidaholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Tidaholm | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Tomelilla BV Stad Tomelilla Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Tomelilla | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Tomelilla KL Stad Tomelilla Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Tomelilla | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Tranås BV Stad Tranås Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 7 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Tranås | | | 7 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Tranås KL Stad Tranås Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Tranås | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Tranemo BV Stad Tranemo Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Tranemo | | | 6 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Tranemo KL Stad Tranemo Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Tranemo | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Tyresö BV Stad Tyresö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Tyresö | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Tyresö KL Stad Tyresö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Tyresö | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Uppsala BV Stad Uppsala Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 8 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Uppsala | | | 8 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Uppsala KL Stad Uppsala Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Uppsala | | | 6 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Vallentuna BV Stad Vallentuna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Vallentuna | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Vallentuna KL Stad Vallentuna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Vallentuna | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Vänersborg BV Stad Vänersborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Vänersborg | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Vänersborg KL Stad Vänersborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Vänersborg | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Vara BV Stad Vara Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Vara | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Varberg BV Stad Varberg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Varberg | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Varberg KL Stad Varberg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Varberg | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Värnamo BV Stad Värnamo Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Värnamo | | | 6 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Värnamo KL Stad Värnamo Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Värnamo | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Värtan Stockholm BV Stad Upplands väsby Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Upplands väsby | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Värtan Stockholm KL Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Väsby Upplands väsby BV Stad Upplands väsby Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Upplands väsby | | | 6 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Väsby Upplands väsby KL Stad Upplands väsby Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Upplands väsby | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Västerås BV Stad Västerås Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Västerås | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Västerås KL Stad Västerås Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Västerås | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser ICA Kvantum Vellinge BV Stad Vellinge Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Vellinge | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Vellinge KL Stad Vellinge Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Vellinge | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Vimmerby BV Stad Vimmerby Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Vimmerby | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Vimmerby KL Stad Vimmerby Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Vimmerby | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Ystad BV Stad Ystad Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Ystad | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Kvantum Ystad KL Stad Ystad Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Ystad | | | 6 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Maxi Stormarknad Bålsta BV Stad Håbo Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 7 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Håbo | | | 7 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Maxi Stormarknad Bålsta KL Stad Håbo Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Håbo | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Maxi Stormarknad Bollnäs BV Stad Bollnäs Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 7 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Bollnäs | | | 7 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Maxi Stormarknad Bollnäs KL Stad Bollnäs Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Bollnäs | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Maxi Stormarknad Österåker Åkersberga BV Stad Österåker Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Österåker | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Maxi Stormarknad Österåker Åkersberga KL Stad Österåker Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Österåker | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Nära Blå Center Östersund BV Stad Östersund Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Östersund | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Nära Kullahallen Ängelholm KL Stad Ängelholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Ängelholm | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Odenhallen, Odensbacken BV Stad Örebro Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Örebro | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Odenhallen, Odensbacken KL Stad Örebro Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Örebro | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Signalen, Linköping BV Stad Linköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Linköping | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Signalen, Linköping KL Stad Linköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Linköping | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Ålidhem Umeå BV Stad Umeå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Umeå | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Ålidhem Umeå KL Stad Umeå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Umeå | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Älvängen BV Stad Ale Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Ale | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Älvängen KL Stad Ale Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Ale | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Alvesta BV Stad Alvesta Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Alvesta | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Alvesta KL Stad Alvesta Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Alvesta | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Alvikstorg Bromma BV Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Älvsbyn BV Stad Älvsbyn Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Älvsbyn | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Anderstorp BV Stad Gislaved Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Gislaved | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Anderstorp KL Stad Gislaved Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Gislaved | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Arbrå BV Stad Arbrå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Arbrå | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Årsta BV Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Årsta KL Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Arvidsjaur BV Stad Arvidsjaur Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Arvidsjaur | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Arvidsjaur KL Stad Arvidsjaur Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Arvidsjaur | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Åtvidaberg BV Stad Åtvidaberg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Åtvidaberg | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Åtvidaberg KL Stad Åtvidaberg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Åtvidaberg | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Bergsviken Piteå BV Stad Piteå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Piteå | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Bergsviken Piteå KL Stad Piteå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Piteå | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Bjästa BV Stad Örnsköldsvik Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Örnsköldsvik | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Bjästa KL Stad Örnsköldsvik Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Örnsköldsvik | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Björksätra Sandviken BV Stad Sandviken Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Sandviken | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Björksätra Sandviken KL Stad Sandviken Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Sandviken | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Böleäng Umeå BV Stad Umeå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Umeå | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Brandbergen Haninge BV Stad Haninge Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Haninge | | | 6 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Brandbergen Haninge KL Stad Haninge Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Haninge | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Brommaplan BV Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 6 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Brommaplan KL Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Brunflo BV Stad Östersund Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Östersund | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Brunnsbo Hisings backa BV Stad Ulricehamn Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Ulricehamn | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Brunnsbo Hisings backa KL Stad Ulricehamn Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Ulricehamn | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Bunkeflostrand BV Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Malmö | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Bunkeflostrand KL Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Malmö | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Byske BV Stad Skellefteå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Skellefteå | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Byske KL Stad Skellefteå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Skellefteå | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket City, Örebro KL Stad Örebro Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Örebro | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Delsbohallen BV Stad Hudiksvall Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Hudiksvall | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Delsbohallen KL Stad Hudiksvall Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Hudiksvall | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Edsbyn BV Stad Ovanåker Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Ovanåker | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Edsbyn KL Stad Ovanåker Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Ovanåker | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Eksjö BV Stad Eksjö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Eksjö | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Eneby Norrköping BV Stad Norrköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Norrköping | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Eneby Norrköping KL Stad Norrköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Norrköping | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Enskededalen BV Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Enskededalen KL Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Fältöversten Stockholm BV Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Fisksätra Saltsjöbaden BV Stad Nacka Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Nacka | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Fisksätra Saltsjöbaden KL Stad Nacka Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Nacka | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Forshaga BV Stad Forshaga Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Forshaga | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Forshaga KL Stad Forshaga Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Forshaga | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Fridhemsplan Stockholm KL Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Fyren Valdemarsvik BV Stad Valdemarsvik Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Valdemarsvik | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Fyren Valdemarsvik KL Stad Valdemarsvik Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Valdemarsvik | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Gamleby BV Stad Västervik Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Västervik | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Gamleby KL Stad Västervik Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Västervik | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Glädjen Upplands väsby BV Stad Upplands väsby Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Upplands väsby | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Globen Stockholm globen BV Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 6 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Grytan, Moheda BV Stad Alvesta Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Alvesta | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Grytan, Moheda KL Stad Alvesta Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Alvesta | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Hagahallen Karlstad BV Stad Karlstad Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Karlstad | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Hallsberg BV Stad Hallsberg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Hallsberg | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Hallsberg KL Stad Hallsberg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Hallsberg | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Hammarn Hammarstrand BV Stad Ragunda Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Ragunda | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Hammarn Hammarstrand KL Stad Ragunda Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Ragunda | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Hårstorp, Finspång BV Stad Finspång Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Finspång | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Hårstorp, Finspång KL Stad Finspång Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Finspång | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Hässelby Torg KL Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Heby BV Stad Heby Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Heby | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Heby KL Stad Heby Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Heby | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Hede BV Stad Härjedalen Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Härjedalen | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Hedemora BV Stad Hedemora Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Hedemora | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Hedemora KL Stad Hedemora Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Hedemora | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Hermodsdal Malmö BV Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Malmö | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Hertsötorget Luleå BV Stad Luleå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Luleå | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Hjällbo Angered BV Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Hjo BV Stad Hjo Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Hjo | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Hjo KL Stad Hjo Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Hjo | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Horndal BV Stad Avesta Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Avesta | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Horndal KL Stad Avesta Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Avesta | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Hovmantorp BV Stad Lessebo Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Lessebo | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Hovmantorp KL Stad Lessebo Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Lessebo | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Hyltebruk KL Stad Hylte Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Hylte | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Idrebua BV Stad Älvdalen Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Älvdalen | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Jämjö BV Stad Karlskrona Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Karlskrona | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Johannelund Linköping BV Stad Linköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Linköping | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Kåge BV Stad Skellefteå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Skellefteå | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Kåge KL Stad Skellefteå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Skellefteå | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Kalix BV Stad Kalix Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Kalix | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Kalix KL Stad Kalix Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Kalix | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Kärra Hisings kärra BV Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Kärra Hisings kärra KL Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Kävlinge BV Stad Kävlinge Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Kävlinge | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Kisa BV Stad Kinda Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Kinda | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Kisa KL Stad Kinda Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Kinda | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser ICA Supermarket Klingan Grums BV Stad Grums Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Grums | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Klingan Grums KL Stad Grums Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Grums | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Klostergatan Jönköping BV Stad Jönköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Jönköping | | | 4 | | | | |
Platser Ica Supermarket Klostergatan Jönköping KL Stad Jönköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Jönköping | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Knalleland Borås BV Stad Borås Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Borås | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Knuten Nyköping KL Stad Nyköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Nyköping | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Kramfors BV Stad Kramfors Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Kramfors | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Kramfors KL Stad Kramfors Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Kramfors | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Kronhallen Degerfors BV Stad Degerfors Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Degerfors | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Kronhallen Degerfors KL Stad Degerfors Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Degerfors | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Kvarnen, Borlänge BV Stad Borlänge Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Borlänge | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Kvarnen, Borlänge KL Stad Borlänge Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Borlänge | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Lammhult BV Stad Växjö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Växjö | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Länsmanstorget Göteborg BV Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Lindome BV Stad Mölndal Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Mölndal | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Lindome KL Stad Mölndal Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Mölndal | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Linero Torg Lund BV Stad Lund Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Lund | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Linero Torg Lund KL Stad Lund Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Lund | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Lycksele BV Stad Lycksele Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Lycksele | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Lycksele KL Stad Lycksele Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Lycksele | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Majorna Göteborg BV Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Majorna Göteborg KL Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Malung BV Stad Malung-Sälen Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Malung-Sälen | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Malung KL Stad Malung-Sälen Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Malung-Sälen | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Margretelund Lidköping KL Stad Lidköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Lidköping | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Mariastaden Helsingborg BV Stad Helsingborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Helsingborg | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Mårtas Leksand BV Stad Leksand Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Leksand | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Mårtas Leksand KL Stad Leksand Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Leksand | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Matfors BV Stad Sundsvall Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Sundsvall | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Matfors KL Stad Sundsvall Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Sundsvall | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Mathyttan Långshyttan BV Stad Hedemora Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Hedemora | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Mathyttan Långshyttan KL Stad Hedemora Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Hedemora | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Mora BV Stad Mora Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Mora | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Mora KL Stad Mora Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Mora | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Mullsjö KL Stad Mullsjö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Mullsjö | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Näsbyn Kalix BV Stad Kalix Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Kalix | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Näsbyn Kalix KL Stad Kalix Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Kalix | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Nora BV Stad Nora Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Nora | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Nordmaling BV Stad Nordmaling Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Nordmaling | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Norrskenet Överkalix BV Stad Överkalix Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Överkalix | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Norrskenet Överkalix KL Stad Överkalix Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Överkalix | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Odenhallen Östersund BV Stad Östersund Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Östersund | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Odenhallen Östersund KL Stad Östersund Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Östersund | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Ödeshög BV Stad Ödeshög Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Ödeshög | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Ödeshög KL Stad Ödeshög Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Ödeshög | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Olskroken Göteborg BV Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Olskroken Göteborg KL Stad Göteborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Göteborg | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Olssons Älvdalen BV Stad Älvdalen Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Älvdalen | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Olssons Älvdalen KL Stad Älvdalen Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Älvdalen | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Örbyhus BV Stad Tierp Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Tierp | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Örbyhus KL Stad Tierp Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Tierp | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Örkelljunga BV Stad Örkelljunga Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Örkelljunga | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Osby BV Stad Osby Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Osby | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Osby KL Stad Osby Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Osby | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Östra Husby Vikbolandet BV Stad Norrköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Norrköping | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Östra Husby Vikbolandet KL Stad Norrköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Norrköping | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Övertorneå BV Stad Övertorneå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Övertorneå | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Övertorneå KL Stad Övertorneå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Övertorneå | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Parken Örebro KL Stad Örebro Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Örebro | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Rimbo BV Stad Norrtälje Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Norrtälje | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Rimbo KL Stad Norrtälje Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Norrtälje | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Ringen, Sthlm Stockholm BV Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Ringen, Sthlm Stockholm KL Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Rönneholm Malmö BV Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Malmö | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Rosen Nyland KL Stad Kramfors Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Kramfors | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Sabbatsberg Stockholm BV Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Sabbatsberg Stockholm KL Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Säter BV Stad Säter Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Säter | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Säter KL Stad Säter Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Säter | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Sigtuna BV Stad Sigtuna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Sigtuna | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Sigtuna KL Stad Sigtuna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Sigtuna | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Simrishamn BV Stad Simrishamn Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Simrishamn | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Simrishamn KL Stad Simrishamn Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Simrishamn | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Själevad BV Stad Örnsköldsvik Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Örnsköldsvik | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Själevad KL Stad Örnsköldsvik Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Örnsköldsvik | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Sjöbo Väst BV Stad Sjöbo Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Sjöbo | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Sjöbo Väst KL Stad Sjöbo Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Sjöbo | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Skanör BV Stad Vellinge Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Vellinge | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Skanör KL Stad Vellinge Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Vellinge | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Skelleftehamn KL Stad Skellefteå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Skellefteå | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Skogås BV Stad Huddinge Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Huddinge | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Skogås KL Stad Huddinge Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Huddinge | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Skoghall KL Stad Hammarö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Hammarö | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Skultuna BV Stad Västerås Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Västerås | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Skurup BV Stad Skurup Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Skurup | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Slätta Falun BV Stad Falun Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Falun | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Slätta Falun KL Stad Falun Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Falun | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Smålandsstenar BV Stad Gislaved Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Gislaved | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Smålandsstenar KL Stad Gislaved Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Gislaved | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Smedjebacken BV Stad Smedjebacken Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Smedjebacken | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Smedjebacken KL Stad Smedjebacken Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Smedjebacken | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Söder Malmö BV Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Malmö | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Solbo Tumba BV Stad Botkyrka Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Botkyrka | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Solbo Tumba KL Stad Botkyrka Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Botkyrka | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Sölvesborg BV Stad Sölvesborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Sölvesborg | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Sölvesborg KL Stad Sölvesborg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Sölvesborg | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Söndrum Halmstad BV Stad Halmstad Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Halmstad | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Söndrum Halmstad KL Stad Halmstad Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Halmstad | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Spara Uddevalla BV Stad Uddevalla Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Uddevalla | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Spiralen Norrköping BV Stad Norrköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Norrköping | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Spiralen Norrköping KL Stad Norrköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Norrköping | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Staffanstorp BV Stad Staffanstorp Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Staffanstorp | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Stenby Eskilstuna BV Stad Eskilstuna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Eskilstuna | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Sundbyberg BV Stad Sundbyberg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Sundbyberg | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Sundbyberg KL Stad Sundbyberg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Sundbyberg | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Svärdsjö BV Stad Falun Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Falun | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Svärdsjö KL Stad Falun Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Falun | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Sveg BV Stad Härjedalen Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Härjedalen | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Sveg KL Stad Härjedalen Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Härjedalen | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Svenstavik BV Stad Berg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Berg | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Svenstavik KL Stad Berg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Berg | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Täby Kyrkby BV Stad Täby Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Täby | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Täby Kyrkby KL Stad Täby Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Täby | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Telefonplan Hägersten BV Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Telefonplan Hägersten KL Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Tierp BV Stad Tierp Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Tierp | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Tierp KL Stad Tierp Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Tierp | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Töreboda BV Stad Töreboda Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Töreboda | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Töreboda KL Stad Töreboda Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Töreboda | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Torghallen, Askersund BV Stad Askersund Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Askersund | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Torghallen, Askersund KL Stad Askersund Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Askersund | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Torgkassen, Uppsala BV Stad Uppsala Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Uppsala | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Torgkassen, Uppsala KL Stad Uppsala Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 7 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Uppsala | | | 7 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Tornet Ulricehamn BV Stad Ulricehamn Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Ulricehamn | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Tornet Ulricehamn KL Stad Ulricehamn Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Ulricehamn | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Torsås BV Stad Torsås Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Torsås | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Tvååker BV Stad Varberg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Varberg | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Tvååker KL Stad Varberg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Varberg | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Ullared BV Stad Falkenberg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Falkenberg | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Ullared KL Stad Falkenberg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Falkenberg | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Vagnhärad BV Stad Trosa Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Trosa | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Vallås Halmstad BV Stad Halmstad Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Halmstad | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Vallhalla Frösön BV Stad Östersund Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Östersund | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Vallhalla Frösön KL Stad Östersund Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Östersund | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Vanadis Stockholm BV Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Vanadis Stockholm KL Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Vännäs BV Stad Vännäs Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Vännäs | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Vansbro BV Stad Vansbro Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Vansbro | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Vårberg C Skärholmen BV Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Vårberg C Skärholmen KL Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Vinslöv BV Stad Hässleholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Hässleholm | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Vinslöv KL Stad Hässleholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Hässleholm | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Supermarket Ystad KL Stad Ystad Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Ystad | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Toppen, Höllviken BV Stad Vellinge Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Vellinge | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Ica Toppen, Höllviken KL Stad Vellinge Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Vellinge | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Jönköping A6 – Impact Stad Jönköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Jönköping | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Jönköping Centralstation Stad Jönköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Jönköping | | | 2 | | | | |
Platser Jönköping Flygplats Stad Jönköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Jönköping | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Kalmar Flygplats Stad Kalmar Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Kalmar | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Kalmar Kvarteret Giraffen Stad Kalmar Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Kalmar | | | 6 | | | | |
Platser Karlskoga Galleria Kulan Stad Karlskoga Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Karlskoga | | | 2 | | | | |
Platser Karlskrona Centralstation Stad Karlskrona Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Karlskrona | | | 2 | | | | |
Platser Karlskrona Hemköp Butikssvarv Stad Karlskrona Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Karlskrona | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Karlskrona Hemköp Kassalinje Stad Karlskrona Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Karlskrona | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Karlstad Åhléns – Impact Stad Karlstad Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Karlstad | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Karlstad Bergvik Stad Karlstad Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 8 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Karlstad | | | 8 | | | | |
Platser Karlstad Centralstation Stad Karlstad Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Karlstad | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Karlstad Duvan Stad Karlstad Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Karlstad | | | 6 | | | | |
Platser Karlstad Flygplats Stad Karlstad Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Karlstad | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Karlstad Mitt I City Stad Karlstad Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Karlstad | | | 6 | | | | |
Platser Katrineholm Köpmangatan – Impact Stad Katrineholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Katrineholm | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Kristianstad Boulevard – Impact Stad Kristianstad Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Kristianstad | | | 3 | | | | |
Platser Kungsbacka Hemköp Hålabäck Butikssvarv Stad Kungsbacka Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Kungsbacka | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Kungsbacka Hemköp Hålabäck Kassalinje Stad Kungsbacka Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Kungsbacka | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Kungsbacka Hemköp Kungsbacka Torget Butikssvarv Stad Kungsbacka Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Kungsbacka | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Kungsbacka Hemköp Kungsbacka Torget Kassalinje Stad Kungsbacka Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Kungsbacka | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Kvantum Piteå BV Stad Piteå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Piteå | | | 6 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Långflon Shopping Stad Torsby Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Torsby | | | 2 | | | | |
Platser Lerum Tempo Butikssvarv Stad Lerum Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Lerum | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Lerum Tempo Kassalinje Stad Lerum Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Lerum | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Linköping Centralstation Stad Linköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Linköping | | | 2 | | | | |
Platser Linköping Gränden Stad Linköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Linköping | | | 5 | | | | |
Platser Löddeköping E-Center Stad Löddeköpinge Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Löddeköpinge | | | 3 | | | | |
Platser Löddeköping E-Center – Impact Stad Kävlinge Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Kävlinge | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Ludvika Engelbrekt Galleria Stad Ludvika Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Ludvika | | | 2 | | | | |
Platser Lund Centralstation Stad Lund Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Lund | | | 6 | | | | |
Platser Malmö Caroli (1-Platt) Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Malmö | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Malmö Caroli (2-Hörn) Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Malmö | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Malmö Caroli (3A-Pelare) Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Malmö | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Malmö Caroli (3B-Pelare) Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Malmö | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Malmö Caroli (4A-Pelare) Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Malmö | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Malmö Caroli (4B-Pelare) Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Malmö | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Malmö Caroli (5-Hörn) Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Malmö | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Malmö Caroli (6A-Kub) Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Malmö | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Malmö Caroli (6B-Kub) Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Malmö | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Malmö Caroli (6C-Kub) Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Malmö | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Malmö Caroli (7-Platt) Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Malmö | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Malmö Caroli (8-Platt) Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Malmö | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Malmö Centralstation Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 11 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Malmö | | | 11 | | | | |
Platser Malmö Centralstation – Impact Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Malmö | | | 4 | | | | |
Platser Malmö Centralstation. TRV Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 7 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Malmö | | | 7 | | | | |
Platser Malmö Emporia – Impact Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Malmö | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Malmö Entré Stad Kalmar Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 19 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Kalmar | | | 19 | | | | |
Platser Malmö Hansa Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 8 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Malmö | | | 8 | | | | |
Platser Malmö Jägersro Center Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 7 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Malmö | | | 7 | | | | |
Platser Malmö Kronprinsen Köpcentrum Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Malmö | | | 2 | | | | |
Platser Malmö Malmömässan (Ö) – Impact Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Malmö | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Malmö Malmömässan (V) – Impact Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Malmö | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Malmö Mobilia Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 15 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Malmö | | | 15 | | | | |
Platser Malmö Nobeltorget – Impact Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Malmö | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Malmö Rosengård Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Malmö | | | 6 | | | | |
Platser Malmö Södra Förstadsgatan – Impact Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Malmö | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Malmö Stockholmsvägen – Impact Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Malmö | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Malmö Triangeln Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 15 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Malmö | | | 15 | | | | |
Platser Malmö Triangeln – Impact Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Malmö | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Malmö Värnhemstorget Stad Malmö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Malmö | | | 2 | | | | |
Platser Mellbystrand Mellby Center Stad Mellby Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Mellby | | | 3 | | | | |
Platser Mora Noret Köpcentrum Stad Mora Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Mora | | | 2 | | | | |
Platser Norrköping Centralstation Stad Norrköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Norrköping | | | 2 | | | | |
Platser Norrköping Domino Stad Norrköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Norrköping | | | 5 | | | | |
Platser Norrköping Flygplats Stad Norrköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Norrköping | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Norrköping Linden Stad Norrköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 11 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Norrköping | | | 11 | | | | |
Platser Norrköping Mirum Stad Norrköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 10 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Norrköping | | | 10 | | | | |
Platser Norrköping Mirum – Impact Stad Norrköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Norrköping | | | 2 | | | | |
Platser Norrköping Spiralen Stad Norrköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 8 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Norrköping | | | 8 | | | | |
Platser Nossebro Hemköp Butikssvarv Stad Essunga Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Essunga | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Nossebro Hemköp Kassalinje Stad Essunga Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Essunga | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Nyköping Axet Stad Nyköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Nyköping | | | 2 | | | | |
Platser Nyköping Västerport Stad Nyköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Nyköping | | | 3 | | | | |
Platser Ölands Köpstad Stad Öland Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Öland | | | 3 | | | | |
Platser Örebro Centralstation Stad Örebro Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Örebro | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Örebro Flygplats Stad Örebro Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Örebro | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Örebro Krämaren Stad Örebro Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 7 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Örebro | | | 7 | | | | |
Platser Örebro Marieberg – Impact Stad Örebro Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Örebro | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Örebro Marieberg Galleria – Impact Stad Örebro Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Örebro | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Örebro Vågen Stad Örebro Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 10 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Örebro | | | 10 | | | | |
Platser Örnsköldsvik Flygplats Stad Örnsköldsvik Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Örnsköldsvik | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Örnsköldsvik Galleria Magasinet Stad Örnsköldsvik Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Örnsköldsvik | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Östersund Centralstation Stad Östersunnd Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Östersunnd | | | 2 | | | | |
Platser Östersund Kärnan Stad Östersund Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Östersund | | | 4 | | | | |
Platser Östersund Mittpunkten Stad Östersund Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Östersund | | | 3 | | | | |
Platser Säffle Kvarnen Stad Säffle Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Säffle | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Sala Galleria Sala Torg Stad Sala Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Sala | | | 6 | | | | |
Platser Skellefteå Citykompaniet Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Stockholm | | | 6 | | | | |
Platser Skellefteå Flygplats Stad Skellefteå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Skellefteå | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser SKHLM Centrum Stad Skärholmen Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Skärholmen | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Skövde Arena Skövde Infart – Impact Stad Skövde Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Skövde | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Skövde Centralstation Stad Skövde Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Skövde | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Skövde Commerce Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 8 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Stockholm | | | 8 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Åkermyntan Centrum Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Stockholm | | | 3 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Alby Centrum Stad Botkyrka Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Botkyrka | | | 2 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Älvsjö Station Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 11 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Stockholm | | | 11 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Arninge Centrum Stad Täby Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Täby | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Bålsta Östra infarten – Impact Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Stockholm | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Bålsta Västra infarten – Impact Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Stockholm | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Botkyrka (S) – Impact Stad Upplands väsby Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Upplands väsby | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Stockholm Bredäng Centrum Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Stockholm Centralstation Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 52 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Stockholm | | | 52 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Centralstation – Impact Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Stockholm | | | 4 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm City Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 14 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Stockholm | | | 14 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm City Folkungagatan – Impact Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Stockholm | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm City Götgatan – Impact Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Stockholm | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Coop Fridhemsplan Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Stockholm | | | 2 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm E4 (N) Trafikplats Glädjen – Impact Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Stockholm E4-trädet (N) – Impact Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Stockholm Ekerö Centrum Stad Ekerö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Ekerö | | | 3 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Essingeleden / Lindhagen – Impact Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Stockholm Fältöversten Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 9 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 9 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Stockholm Farsta Centrum Utomhus Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 9 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 9 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Stockholm Flemingsberg Centralstation Stad Huddinge Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Huddinge | | | 3 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Fliesbergshuset E18 Bro Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Stockholm | | | 5 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Gallerian Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 15 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 15 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Stockholm Globen (N) – Impact Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Stockholm Globen (S) – Impact Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Stockholm Globen Shopping Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 12 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Stockholm | | | 12 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Globentorget Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Stockholm | | | 4 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Gustavsberg Centrum Stad Värmdö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Värmdö | | | 2 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Hallunda Centrum Stad Botkyrka Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Botkyrka | | | 4 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Hässelby Gård Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Stockholm Heron City Stad Huddinge Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 15 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Huddinge | | | 15 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Husby Centrum Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Stockholm Järfälla Flottiljen Stad Järfälla Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Järfälla | | | 6 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Kistamässan (N) – Impact Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Stockholm Kistamässan (S) – Impact Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Stockholm Konserthuset Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Stockholm | | | 2 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Lidingö Centrum Stad Lidingö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Lidingö | | | 4 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Mall of Scandinavia Stad Solna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 34 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Solna | | | 34 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Mall of Scandinavia – Impact Stad Solna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Solna | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Stockholm Märsta Centralstation Stad Sigtuna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Sigtuna | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Mood Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 9 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 9 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Stockholm Mörby Centrum Stad Danderyd Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Danderyd | | | 4 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Nacka Forum Stad Nacka Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 29 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Nacka | | | 29 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Näsby Park Centrum Stad Täby Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Täby | | | 3 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Orminge Centrum Stad Nacka Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Nacka | | | 6 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Ringen Centrum Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Stockholm | | | 6 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Rinkeby Centrum Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Stockholm Salem Centrum Stad Salem Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Salem | | | 3 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Saltsjöbaden Centrum Stad Nacka Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Nacka | | | 5 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Scandinavian XPO Stad Sigtuna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Sigtuna | | | 4 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Södertälje Kringlan Stad Södertälje Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Södertälje | | | 6 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Södertälje Luna Stad Södertälje Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Södertälje | | | 3 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Södertälje Telgehuset Galleria Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Stockholm | | | 3 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Södra Station Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Stockholm | | | 4 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Sollentuna Centrum Stad Sollentuna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 13 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Sollentuna | | | 13 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Solna Ankdammskrysset (Ö) – Impact Stad Solna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Solna | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Stockholm Solna Ankdammskrysset (V) – Impact Stad Solna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Solna | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.) |
Platser Stockholm Solna Centrum Stad Solna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 17 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Solna | | | 17 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Solna Station Stad Solna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Solna | | | 6 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Solna Station – Impact Stad Solna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Solna | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Sundbyberg Signalfabriken Stad Sundbyberg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Sundbyberg | | | 2 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Täby Centrum Stad Täby Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 40 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Täby | | | 40 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Täby Centrum Inomhus – Impact Stad Täby Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Täby | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Stockholm Täby Centrum Park Roslagsbanan – Impact Stad Täby Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Täby | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Stockholm Tensta Centrum Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 4 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Stockholm Tumba Centrum Stad Botkyrka Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Botkyrka | | | 6 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Tumba Köpcenter Stad Botkyrka Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Botkyrka | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Tyresö Centrum Stad Tyresö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 11 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Tyresö | | | 11 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Vällingby Centrum Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 12 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Stockholm | | | 12 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Vällingby City Garage Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Stockholm | | | 4 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Värmdö Marknad Stad Värmdö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Värmdö | | | 4 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Västermalmsgallerian Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Stockholm | | | 6 | | | | |
Platser Stockholm Viksjö Centrum Stad Järfälla Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Järfälla | | | 2 | | | | |
Platser Stora Höga Hemköp Butikssvarv Stad Stenungsund Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stenungsund | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Stora Höga Hemköp Kassalinje Stad Stenungsund Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stenungsund | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Sundsvall Flygplats Stad Sundsvall Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Sundsvall | | | 2 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Supermarket Älvsbyn KL Stad Älvsbyn Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Älvsbyn | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Supermarket Arbrå KL Stad Arbrå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Arbrå | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Supermarket Hässelby BV Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Supermarket Nyköping Oppeby BV Stad Nyköping Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Nyköping | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Supermarket Ystad Öster BV Stad Ystad Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Ystad | | | 3 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Svanesund Hemköp Butikssvarv Stad Orust Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 5 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Orust | | | 5 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Svanesund Hemköp Kassalinje Stad Orust Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Orust | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser The Curve @ Westfield Täby Centrum Stad Täby Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Täby | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser The Eyes @ Konserthuset Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Stockholm | | | 2 | | | | |
Platser The Geminis @ Westfield Täby Centrum Stad Täby Pixel Size W x H 864 x 1536 NO. Screens Aspect Ratio Orientation Portrait Motion | Täby | | 864 x 1536 | | 9:16 | Portrait | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser The Halo @ Westfield Mall of Scandinavia Stad Solna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Solna | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser The Icon @ NK Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens Aspect Ratio Orientation Portrait Motion | Stockholm | | | | | Portrait | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser The Icon @ Sergels Torg Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Stockholm | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser The Icon @ The Node Stad Stockholm Pixel Size W x H 12 x 5 NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio 12:5 Orientation Landscape Motion | Stockholm | | 12 x 5 | 1 | 12:5 | Landscape | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser The Icon @ Westfield Mall of Scandinavia Stad Solna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Solna | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Timrå Vivsta Stad Timrå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Timrå | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Töcksfors Shopping Stad Töcksfors Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Töcksfors | | | 6 | | | | |
Platser Trollhättan Centralstation Stad Trollhättan Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Trollhättan | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Trollhättan Etage Stad Trollhättan Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Trollhättan | | | 4 | | | | |
Platser Trollhättan Flygplats Stad Trollhättan Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Trollhättan | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Trollhättan Siba-Huset Stad Trollhättan Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Trollhättan | | | 4 | | | | |
Platser Uddevalla Torp Stad Uddevalla Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 14 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Uddevalla | | | 14 | | | | |
Platser Ullared Handelshuset – Impact Stad Falkenberg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Falkenberg | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Umeå MVG Stad Umeå Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Umeå | | | 6 | | | | |
Platser Uppsala Bolandcity Ö – Impact Stad Uppsala Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Uppsala | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Uppsala Bolandcity V – Impact Stad Uppsala Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Uppsala | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Uppsala Centralstation Stad Uppsala Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Uppsala | | | 6 | | | | |
Platser Uppsala Centralstation – Impact Stad Uppsala Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Uppsala | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Uppsala Forum Stad Uppsala Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Uppsala | | | 2 | | | | |
Platser Uppsala Gränby Stad Uppsala Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 14 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Uppsala | | | 14 | | | | |
Platser Uppsala Gränby – Impact Stad Uppsala Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Uppsala | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Uppsala Kvarnen Stad Uppsala Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 4 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Uppsala | | | 4 | | | | |
Platser Uppsala S:t Per Stad Uppsala Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 6 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Uppsala | | | 6 | | | | |
Platser Varberg E6 – Impact Stad Vårgårda Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Vårgårda | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Varberg Galleria Trädgården Stad Varberg Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 7 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Varberg | | | 7 | | | | |
Platser Västerås Centralstation Stad Västerås Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 7 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Västerås | | | 7 | | | | |
Platser Västerås City – Impact Stad Västerås Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Västerås | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Västerås Flygplats Stad Västerås Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Västerås | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Västerås Hälla Shopping Stad Västerås Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 8 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Västerås | | | 8 | | | | |
Platser Västerås Igor Stad Västerås Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 7 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Västerås | | | 7 | | | | |
Platser Västerås Igor – Impact Stad Västerås Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Västerås | | | 1 | | | | |
Platser Västerås Rocklunda – Impact Stad Västerås Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Västerås | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Västervik Galleria Västerport Stad Eskilstuna Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Eskilstuna | | | 3 | | | | |
Platser Västervik Tullporten Galleria Stad Västervik Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 3 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Västervik | | | 3 | | | | |
Platser Växjö Centralstation Stad Växjö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Växjö | | | 2 | | | | |
Platser Växjö Flygplats Stad Växjö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Växjö | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Växjö Grand Samarkand (Ö) – Impact Stad Växjö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Växjö | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Växjö Grand Samarkand (V) – Impact Stad Växjö Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 1 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion | Växjö | | | 1 | | | | Production Specifications (.pdf) |
Platser Visby Centrum Stad Visby Pixel Size W x H x NO. Screens 2 Aspect Ratio Orientation Motion Production Specs | Visby | | | 2 | | | | |