March 20th, 2024
Neuroscience proves the influence of digital out of home on other media and the wider digital universe

A new study using neuroscience demonstrates for the first time how digital out of home positively influences responses to other media, exerting a clear impact on the wider digital universe.


The pioneering research, conducted by Neuro-Insight, used brain imaging to explore the neurological impact of digital out of home on other screen and mobile devices.

The results of the Beyond Out Of Home study were released on Friday, March 27 at BAFTA in London before an invited audience of 100 advertising executives, media buyers and industry specialists.



Heather Andrew, CEO of Neuro-Insight (UK) which conducted the study, said: “A previous study had demonstrated that premium outdoor sites positively primed responses to standard outdoor sites. In this new study, we set out to discover whether this priming effect worked beyond outdoor and could apply to other screen based media that is consumed out of home.

“The results were unequivocal in demonstrating strong priming impacts, but we actually found even more than we expected. First of all, we discovered that, regardless of the creative, mere exposure to the priming medium had an impact.

“People who’d seen digital out of home first responded more strongly to advertising on mobile devices, even when not linked to the campaign they had seen on DOOH, than those who’d been exposed to television.

“We call this the congruence effect because it demonstrates for the first time the importance of environment and the power of “brainstate” on people’s responses to advertising.”


Tim Bleakley, Ocean CEO, said: “The findings have clear implications for maximising the impact of cross-media screen campaigns by harnessing the specific priming impact of digital out of home.

“We already knew that iconic, large format advertising delivers heightened emotional response and strong memory encoding, and that this impact is heightened by full motion screens. We also knew going into this study, that large, iconic sites had a positive priming effect on other OOH advertising. This new study takes the learnings further, to show that the priming impact of DOOH extends beyond the OOH world and into the wider all screen media universe.

“We’ve now established that there is a clear congruence between screen experiences out of home, and the combination of large and small screens, accessed on the go, is a particularly powerful one.”

About Neuro-Insight


Neuro-Insight is a market research company that uses unique brain-imaging technology to measure how the brain responds to communications. It is the only company in the world licensed to use this patented technology, enabling the measurement of second by second changes in brain activity. Neuro-Insight delivers unique insights into how a piece of design or advertising is affecting people at both a rational and an emotional level.

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