The Square @ Lyngby
The Square _Lyngby HEADER

A premium screen in a premium mall.

Located in a mall that lies in the commercial pulse of Northern Copenhagen’s suburbs, The Square @ Lyngby offers a unique large-scale DOOH opportunity to reach an affluent population in the area.

The Square @ Lyngby measures nearly 16 square metres, ensuring your brand catches attention in the centre of the mall.

The Lyngby mall offers an exclusive and luxurious range of brands such as Gant and Tommy Hilfiger, attracting a high-income audience, allowing your brand to reach a wealthy demographic.


The Location

Med sin beliggenhed i centrum af den nordlige del af Storkøbenhavn spiller Lyngby Shoppingcenter en central rolle i detailhandlen og har en betydelig indflydelse på forstædernes forbrugerliv.

Nordkøbenhavn er hjemsted for en stor del af Danmarks velhavende befolkning, hvilket gør Lyngby Shoppingcenter til et oplagt sted at ramme en købestærk målgruppe.

Audience Demographics

Højere indkomst

end landsgennemsnittet Kilde: Danske Shoppingcentre

568.226 personer

bor i det totale markedsområde Kilde: Danske Shoppingcentre

6,3 millioner

årligt besøgende Kilde: Danske Shoppingcentre

Ocean Networks

The location is available as part of a network, please see below for details.

Please contact us on [email protected] to find out more.