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Turn your campaign into art on The Gallery @ Bruuns Galleri.
At a key entrance of Denmark’s most visited shopping mall, The Gallery @ Brunns Galleri allows your brand to welcome an influential audience for those living in Denmark’s second-largest city, Aarhus.
Bruuns Galleri is attached to Aarhus Central Station, creating a high footfall to the mall. Exceeding 25 square metres, you can create impact with The Gallery @ Bruuns Galleri. The mall is home to attractive brands such as Rituals, JD Sports, and a cinema with IMAX experience, ensuring you capture both a shopping and a commuting audience.
- Location Aarhus
- Format Large FormatLandscapeDigital
- Network DeepScreen Icons The Grid
- Enabled Tech Ocean Augmented Reality Ocean DeepScreen Ocean DeepScreen Alive Ocean Experience Ocean Mixed Reality Ocean Mobile Augmented Reality Ocean Play Ocean Presents Ocean React Ocean Special Builds Ocean Stream Ocean Takeover
- Dimensions 25m²
- Downloads Production Specifications
The Location
Bruuns Galleri er en shopping- og fritidsdestination i Danmarks næststørste by, Aarhus. Med en enorm vækst oplever Aarhus en stigning i sin befolkning.
Fra Aarhus Hovedbanegård er der direkte adgang til Bruuns Galleri, hvilket tiltrækker mange studerende og unge professionelle, der bruger indkøbscentret til shopping og socialt samvær. Med alt fra trendy mode- og interiørbrands til oplevelser som minigolf og en biograf med IMAX, er Bruuns Galleri mere end bare et indkøbscenter.