The Screen @ Kolding Storcenter
THE GRID_The Screen @Kolding Center

Kolding Storcenter has positioned itself as the dominant regional shopping destination in South Jutland with a very high degree of familiarity in the large market area and a number of visitors and revenue levels that are among the highest in the industry.

The Location

Nearby Locations

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The_Grid_The Iconic @Fields copy
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København • Digital
Ocean Augmented Reality
The Cinema @ City2
The Grid_The Cinema_City2
The Cinema @ City2
Lyngby • Digital
Ocean Augmented Reality
The Pillar @ City2
The Grid_The Piller_City
The Pillar @ City2
Høje Taastrup • Digital
Ocean Experience
The Falcon @ Frederiksberg
The Falcon @ Frederiksberg
Frederiksberg • Digital
Ocean Augmented Reality

Ocean Networks

The location is available as part of a network, please see below for details.

Please contact us on sales@oceanoutdoor.dk to find out more.