Ocean Labs

Ocean Mixed Reality


Mixed Reality

Create a window into your brand’s world with Mixed Reality. Immerse consumers, provide a moment of fame and create shareable content.

There are multiple ways in which the On-Screen Mixed Reality (MR) technology can be used:

  • Mixed Reality Mirror Immersion
    Using the HD cameras built into the screens to create an Mixed Reality mirror, where the audience can see themselves on screen.
  • Mixed Reality Window Immersion
    Alternatively use the HD camera on the opposite side of the screen to create a window effect, allowing them to “look through” the screen.
  • Attention
    Reward engagement by using attention time to trigger creative content in real time.

Take Ocean Mixed Reality to the next level by combining with:

  • Ocean React – live data
  • Ocean Play – skeletal or gestural tracking
  • Ocean Mobile Augmented Reality – extend the immersion

Discover more technologies

Ocean Takeover
Ocean Takeover
Create the ultimate impact.
Ocean Special Builds
Ocean Special Builds
Out cut-outs give you stand out.
Ocean React (live data and feeds)
Ocean React OLA
Ocean React (live data and feeds)
Real time reaction.
Ocean Presents (Fanzone)
Ocean Presents v2
Ocean Presents (Fanzone)
Place your brand centre stage.

Ready to take your campaign to the next level?

Ocean Networks

The location is available as part of a network, please see below for details.

Please contact us on info@oceanoutdoor.nl to find out more.