Neuroscience Research
Digital Out of Home: The Vital Ingredient – Quantifying the vital role DOOH plays in optimising the use of social media
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Digital Out of Home: The Vital Ingredient

After a decade of Neuroscience research commissioned by Ocean, to underpin the swiftly evolving and consistently impressive media platform that is digital out of home, this year we have quantified a significant step change for the medium and where, yet again, it has essential value for brands.
This latest wave of research uses Neuroscience to quantify the vital role of digital out of home in optimising the use of social media. Using socially amplified digital out of home changes how your brand is perceived, and the value of its role in the media landscape.

Summary of Findings


A decade of the priming effect

Both global icons and Ask for It by Name® premium DOOH deliver long-term brand building, personal relevance and higher levels of emotion. Prime your broadcast OOH campaign by using premium first.


DOOH primes a Brand’s existing social strategy

DOOH primes social brand posts, having seen the campaign in real life first. Individuals are drawn more towards the brand on social media having seen DOOH first. The channels are congruent and innately aligned to work together.


DOOH creates your social content

Viewing physical DOOH and then socially amplified DOOH content of a campaign strengthens brand perception – people look for longer at the social content and it delivers greater meaning to the content. Social amplification brings a brand’s social strategy into the real world, elevating attention.


Further endorse your DOOH social content

Endorsement of socially amplified DOOH content from brands and influencers delivers brand authenticity, familiarity and relevance.Endorsement of socially amplified DOOH content from brands and influencers delivers brand authenticity, familiarity and relevance.


You don’t even need to be there!

Optimise your social media spend by using DOOH as your content. If DOOH is at the heart of your social campaign it will deliver an unlimited global audience to you, regardless of being there physically, and it delivers a tangible difference in how people feel about your brand.


Ocean can make this a Reality


Use Ocean screens and technology to optimise the physical presence for your brand


Utilise Ocean screens to deliver your stand out, longer than normal, campaigns for your ‘launch moments’.


Ocean Studio will create your social ready assets in the time you need them.


guidelines and we can track and deliver to you further knowledge of your campaign’s success.

DOOH is the vital ingredient… talk to Ocean

Ocean Networks

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